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MSS 34: White Family Business Records, 1843-1914…1851-1852 Volume 1 1851-1852 Series B: Ledgers, 1859-1891 Volume 1 1859-1879 Folder 1 Indexes to Volume 1 Folder 2 Items removed from Volume 1 Volume 2 1860-1874 Folder 3 Letter,…
MSS 89: Robert R. Newell Papers, ca. 1960-1977…each of them and compiled them in scrapbooks. He also compiled a complete list of the flags he had identified; this list acted as an index to the scrapbook. Newell’s…
MSS 53: Dartmouth, Massachusetts, Town Records, 1674-1912…minutes of town meetings and an index, 1674-1787; as well as original manuscripts relating to selectmen, overseers of the poor, surveyors, and Ephraim Tripp, dating 1793-1823, are available at the…
MSS 60: Mandell Family Papers, 1748-1909…documents; Abby Slocum Howland Robinson trust records; estate records; incoming and outgoing business and personal correspondence; and an index. Sub-group 2: Edward D. Mandell Papers, 1834-1909 [10 inches] Financial records;…
MSS 82: John Ham Williams Page Papers, 1852-1862…Box 1 Folder 1 1852, 1856 Folder 2 1857-1858 Folder 3-7 1859 Folder 8 1860 Folder 9 1861-1862 Folder 10 Index to “letter book,” ca. 1857-1862 Series B: Financial Records,…
ODHS 972A…the entries. It has a functional table of contents, bibliography, and index for shelf-like reference (23 Dec 2014 revision). 5 November 1881 Anchored in Good Success Bay, Terra del Fuego…
Delphinidae…of Marine Mammal Species and Subspecies.” Society for Marine Mammalogy – Home. N.P., n.d. Web. 8 Mar. 2012. < d=420:marine-mammal-species-and-subspecies&catid=920:taxonomy&Itemid=340> “Dolphin Facts and Information” 8. Mar. 2012 <> Killer Whale…
Long Snouted Spinner Dolphin…dolphin. Unusual habitats: They travel in big schools with different species like spotted dolphins and humpback whales. Population status: 1,400,000 Threats: Hunting and fish net entanglement. References: Spinner…
MSS 1: New Bedford Cordage Company Records, 1839-1968…events in the company’s history, ca. 1851-1958. An index to the outgoing correspondence, 1847-1896, is available at the New Bedford Whaling Museum Research Library. Arrangement of Collection Series A: Administrative…
Old Dartmouth Historical Sketch No. 5…Roman Catholic church. A card index is nearly complete, containing over 2000 references, by which a person can refer to all that has appeared on any subject in these newspapers….