Finding and Identifying Whales
The North Atlantic Right Whale Catalog
Read about the longest-running and most comprehensive North Atlantic right whale research and conservation initiative in the world and view pictures of right whales. This New England Aquarium search engine is connected to a live database. Sightings are updated automatically as whales are identified.
Society for Marine Mammalogy
The Society for Marine Mammalogy (SMM), Ad-Hoc Committee on Taxonomy, has produced the first official SMM list of marine mammal species and subspecies. Consensus on some issues was not possible; this is reflected in the footnotes. So, for those of you curious about exactly how many species of whale, dolphin and porpoise swim our global ocean, this is your most current source of information.
Right Whale Listening Network
Learn about right whales and see where (and how) their calls have been detected within the past 24 hours.
The Jupiter Foundation
Whale listening technology, attached to wave gliders designed and engineered by Jupiter Foundation, streams live audio of whales during the season they visit Hawaii. During the off-season, files of past recordings can accessed and heard. The Jupiter Foundation is dedicated to developing and applying new technologies for monitoring and understanding the natural world.