About Whales - New Bedford Whaling Museum

About Cetaceans

About Cetaceans

Cetaceans are marine mammals with streamlined (hydrodynamic) bodies that glide easily through their watery environment, horizontal flukes, front flippers for steering and a layer of blubber directly under the skin.

According to the Society for Marine Mammalogy, 88 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises are included in the Order Cetacea.

Species of Local Interest

Students from the Museum’s Apprenticeship Program have developed fact sheets for their chosen marine mammal species.


What is the difference between a dolphin and a porpoise? Find out by comparing this family to the delphinidae

Platanistidae (River Dolphin)

How does the River Dolphin differ from other dolphins?

Sperm Whales and Monodonts

Species in these families include the beluga, the narwhal, and the largest toothed whale in the world.


How do beaked whales compare to the mighty sperm whale? Read on to find out!

Lesser Known Species

Learn about some of the least known whales in the world.

Cetaceans Frequently Asked Questions

How big is a blue whale’s heart? Do whales have hair? These questions and many more...


A page devoted to the characteristics of the four species of this family...


This family, also known as the 'rorquals,' includes the humpback whale and the blue whale...


Learn the general characteristics of the 36 different species of dolphin