Seals and Society

Tuesday, June 27, | 6:00pm
We invite you to join us and our panel of exhibit creators as we launch a new collaborative traveling exhibit ‘Seals and Society’. This multi-panel exhibit dives into the daily lives of these specially-adapted animals, with a focus on harbor and gray seals, the two most locally abundant species northeast region. Stunning photographs, custom graphics, and up-to-date research bring the viewer into the seals’ watery world to help us understand how they live, where they go, and what they eat. The complex relationships these animals have with people will also be explored, from historical to modern day.
The event will feature a short introductory film and a panel discussion featuring our exhibit team of Dr. Andrea Bogomolni, Ren Bettencourt, Elizabeth Bradfield and Elizabeth James-Perry. Whaling Museum Associate Curator of Science and Research, Robert Rocha, who served as a Consulting Editor on this exhibit, will serve as moderator. In addition, you will be able to handle the hands-on resources from the kit that will travel with the exhibit. These include skull replicas, wooden puzzles, and a food chain game. A reception will follow in the Jacobs Family Gallery with lite refreshments.
Seals and Society is supported by the David P. Wheatland Charitable Trust and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center.
Tickets are $10 for members | $20 for non-members.