White Eagle, Marion, MA
Saturday, April 8 | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Space is limited. Advance Registration is required.
Re/Framing the View: Nineteenth Century American Landscapes
Cranberry Bog Walk
Sippican Lands Trust
Explore a local cranberry bog in Marion and take in the spectacular views of 23-acres of bogs surrounded by small ponds and upland forests. White Eagle supports a rich diversity of habitats including upland pine, mixed hardwood forest, shrub and wooded swamp, freshwater marsh and cranberry bogs. The White Eagle property and surrounding land make up a 482-acre contiguous parcel of land that is home to several rare and threatened species including the Easter Box Turtle, the Spotted Turtle and the Water-will Stem Borer (a type of moth). Part of the White Eagle property features a working 23-acre cranberry bog that has been continuously cultivated for over 100 years. Sippican Lands Trust acquired the 248-acre White Eagle property in 2005 in partnership with the Town of Marion and other local conservation organizations.
Trailhead is located off of Route 6 in Marion. Turn onto Parlowtown Road across from the town cemetery and follow the road until you reach the cul-de-sac. Veer left on the dirt road and follow past an abandoned cranberry bog on your right.
Parking is available directly past the cranberry bog and along the dirt roadside.
This program is being offered rain or shine. In the event of wet weather, wear protective clothing and good boots. In the case of dangerous conditions, we will notify participants of a cancellation 24-hours prior.
This program is being offered as a partnership between the Sippican Lands Trust and the New Bedford Whaling Museum in concert with the rotating exhibition Re/Framing the View: Nineteenth-Century American Landscapes.
To learn more about the exhibition visit: https://www.whalingmuseum.org/exhibition/reframing-the-view/
To learn more about the Sippican Lands Trust visit: https://sippicanlandstrust.org/membership/