119th Annual Members' Meeting
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 4:00pm
Please join us for our Annual Members’ Meeting by reserving your seat in advance.
To issue a vote by proxy, please email Traci Calabrese at tcalabrese@whalingmuseum.org
Welcome Remarks
Amanda McMullen, President & CEO New Bedford Whaling Museum
Featured Presenter
Matthew Fisher, Principal,Night Kitchen Interactive
Annual Report to Members
Tony Sapienza, Chair, Board of Trustees
Vote to approve the 2022-2023 Slate of Officers
Vote to approve the class of 2025 Trustees
Vote to approve Trustees nominated for a second term
Keynote Speaker
Daniel H. Weiss, President & CEO The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Reception to follow.
Board of Trustees, 2022-2023
Anthony Sapienza, Chair
Onésimo Almeida, Ph.D.
Thomas Anderson
Patricia Andrade, MD
Paulina Arruda
Christina Bascom
Ricardo Bermudez
Douglas Crocker II
John N. Garfield, Jr.
David Gomes
Vanessa Gralton
Edward M. Howland II
Meg Howland
Robert H. Kelley
Per Lofberg
D. Lloyd Macdonald
Ralph Martin
Eugene Monteiro
Gilbert Perry
Victoria Pope
Dana Rebeiro
Cathy Roberts
Maria Rosario
Brian Rothschild, Ph.D.
Tricia Schade
Christine Schmid
Nancy Shanik
Hardwick Simmons
Bernadette Souza
Carol M. Taylor, Ph.D.
Davis Webb
Alison Wells
Lisa Whitney
David W. Wright
Susan M. Wolkoff
Proposed Slate - Officers & Trustees
Officers 2022 - 2023
Anthony (Tony) R. Sapienza, Chair
Patricia (Tricia) Schade, 1st Vice Chair
Bernadette Souza, 2nd Vice Chair
Hardwick (Wick) Simmons, Treasurer
Ricardo Bermudez, Assistant Treasurer
Eugene (Gene) Monteiro, Clerk
Paulina Arruda, Assistant Clerk
Carol M. Taylor, Ph.D., Past Chair
Trustees Nominated for Second Term
Edward M. Howland II
R. Davis Webb, Jr.
Thank you to the class of 2022 Departing Trustees
Joseph E. McDonough
George B. Mock III
John C. Pinheiro
David A. Wyss, Ph.D.
Nominations for the Class of 2025
Victoria Pope
Victoria Pope is a veteran journalist with more than 45 years of experience as a writer and editor in the national media. Her career took her to the top of the masthead at National Geographic magazine, Smithsonian Journeys, and U.S. News and World Report. While a reporter, she wrote extensively on Eastern European politics, working as a correspondent in Warsaw, Moscow and Bonn. Since retiring in 2016 from a full-time position in Washington, DC, she has worked independently, based in South Dartmouth. Pope was born in Boston and raised in the town of Milton, Massachusetts. Her mother, a naturalized American citizen, hailed from Panama. Pope speaks conversational Spanish and can hold simple conversations in French and German. A graduate of Vassar College, Pope majored in English with a minor in Art History. Pope has previously served as a member of the NBWM's Scholarship and Publications Committee.
Lisa Whitney
Lisa Whitney is the owner of Whitney Prints, selling curated original artwork over the last 25 years. Prior to living in Marion, Whitney was the Executive Director of Lepore Fine Arts in Newburyport, which included managing the gallery as well as purchasing and selling 19th and 20th century paintings. Before Lepore Fine Arts, Whitney worked in the financial service industry for the Boston Company and Fidelity Investments. She served on the Boards for the Marion Art Center and the Sippican Historical Society, and is currently on the membership and house committees at the Sippican Tennis Club in Marion. Whitney has previously served as a member of the NBWM's Benefit Committee.
Ralph Martin II
Ralph Martin joined Prince Lobel after over 40 years as a trial lawyer, public leader, and business advisor in the private and public sectors. Having also served on the Board of Directors of major institutions in higher education and health care, Martin helps clients understand the interplay of law, business strategy, public policy, and government regulation. Before joining Prince Lobel, Martin was a member of Northeastern University’s eight-member senior leadership team, serving as Senior Vice-President and General Counsel where he oversaw the legal, compliance, risk, labor, public safety and policing, and international risk functions of the university. During his 11 years at the university, Northeastern University increased its geographical footprint, opening campuses in major cities in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Prior to Northeastern University, he was a partner at Bingham McCutchen, and also served as Office Managing Partner of the Boston office, and as Managing Principal of Bingham Consulting, a firm subsidiary business that advised companies facing multi-state attorney general investigations.
Gilbert R. Perry
Gil Perry was born in Dartmouth, MA and has two Portuguese-American parents tracing his roots to São Miguel and Faial, Azores. He attended St John’s Academy, now St James St John School, for grades K – 8 and is a graduate of Dartmouth High School and Holy Cross College. Perry has two sons both residing in and around the Nation’s capital. For most of the 1970s, he was employed in various sales and marketing positions at Random House Publishing in New York City. Perry moved on to become a Financial Advisor with Smith Barney in Minneapolis, and later held a similar position with Morgan Stanley in Providence. In 2017, he retired and shortly thereafter Perry began his association with NBWM as a volunteer and as a member of the Portuguese Advisory Committee.
Susan M. Wolkoff
Susan Wolkoff was a trustee of the NBWM, serving at the chair of the Education Committee. Wolkoff retired from her position of Executive Vice President of Bank of America where she worked for 36 years in the Commercial Real Estate Division. She held various roles at the bank, most recently as a Risk Executive overseeing the Eastern US territory. Married with two adult children and one grandson, Wolkoff lives in Boston and South Dartmouth. Wolkoff has an interest in learning Italian, traveling, and teaching English as a volunteer at the Boston Public Library in their ESL program.